With the release of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse looming large on the horizon, the cast and crew of the film have spoken frequently with the press in recent weeks about the challenges of returning to Stephenie Meyer's source material to breathe more life into the author's now-iconic characters. But as excited as fans are for the new film, they're almost equally eager to see what's in store in the future – specifically, how the cast and filmmakers will successfully adapt Breaking Dawn, the supposedly batsh*t fourth book in the series, into a film that can be seen by the same audiences as its predecessors.
Cinematical joined the rest of Los Angeles' entertainment press at the recent junket for Eclipse, where "the big three" – Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner – were joined by many of the film's costars and crew members. Look for an exclusive interview on the site with Eclipse director David Slade later in the week, but in the meantime, check out what the cast and crew have to say about what's in store for Breaking Dawn.
Robert Pattinson
In Breaking Dawn, what do you think Edward's evolution will be?
Pattinson: I haven't read it yet! I mean, it's weird - I'm starting it a month after this job and it's something I'm quite glad I haven't read it yet. I didn't intend to not read it until now, it's quite exciting. I have no idea, I just heard brief rumors about what happens in the story but I don't really know what happens at all
Your current haircut is shorter than Edward's. How are you going to go about getting your long hair back for Breaking Dawn?
Pattinson: I'm thinking maybe Edward got a haircut - it might be easier. I didn't even think about that when I got it cut, that is a bit silly. Vampires can cut their hair though, so I like the idea of Edward having a shaved head in the last one. That [would be] pretty cool.
How long have you known Breaking Dawn was going to be two films, and have you met with Bill Condon yet?
Pattinson: I found out about Breaking Dawn when the press release came out! Bill Condon I met briefly a few weeks ago, kind of by accident just before the MTV Awards, in a bar (laughs). He seemed great. He seemed like a really really nice guy, I haven't talked to him in detail about anything. But Gods and Monsters is an amazing movie. I think it's going to be good. I don't even know where they're going to shoot it yet or anything.
Taylor Lautner
Since Breaking Dawn will be two movies, do you if one movie will be from your perspective and one will be from Rob's?
Lautner: I do know it will be two, which I am extremely excited about. It is going to be great. Bill Condon is doing both. I it going to be awesome and I can't wait to work with him.
Do you have a clause in your contract saying you have to keep your shirt on?
Lautner: No clause (laughs). Whatever the book says is most likely what we are going to do.
Would you ever do another film where you have to go shirtless again?
Lautner: I mean really, it all comes down to character. If I love the character, I love the story, and the character requires me to be shirtless, or if it requires me to lose thirty pounds, I'm ready to do it.
How do you think you will prepare yourself for the unique, romantic aspects that you will find yourself in?
Lautner: I haven't started thinking about it too much right now. We are focusing on Eclipse coming out. We are promoting that. Then after that I am focusing on Abduction. Then after that it will be Breaking Dawn. I'm sure as soon as we meet with Bill further down the road, we will go towards that, but that will be interesting.
Do you think the werewolves will go into a musical number?
Lautner: I think he actually already released a statement promising there would be no musical number in it (laughs). It is funny.
Kristen Stewart
Now that you've done three of these are there things that you wish had made into the movie from the book that didn't?
Stewart: Yeah, totally - there are a million things. I mean every single time we watch one of the movies, especially when the cast watches it together, it's always an incredibly frustrating experience. That's why I'm glad that Breaking Dawn is going to be two movies, which I can finally say. So there's going to be less of that, less of having to lose stuff. I know you want specific things but I'm trying to think of one now but I can't.
How long have you known that Breaking Dawn was going to be two films, and how long will the shoot be?
Stewart: The shoot is going to be something like six months. We start in October. I think we're not going to be finished until maybe March or something, maybe February. I clearly don't really look at the schedule. I had to hold onto this forever. They've been talking about it for a really long time and we all definitely knew that it was going to be two movies forever now. It's been really hard not to say that. We're all really stoked on that.
Is there a scene that you particularly hope makes the movie?
Stewart: There are a million and we haven't even shot it yet. I can't wait to see [?] and I can't wait to get married and have a kid. It's all of that. It's going to be crazy.
What designer would love to see design Bella's wedding dress and if you could dream it up what would it look like?
Stewart: Well, Stephenie [Meyer] is absolutely in charge of that. I'm sure she has really specific ideas. I haven't really thought about it. But I feel like Bella would definitely want something like really classic and really simple, too but beautiful. I have no idea in terms of designers.
Would it be white?
Stewart: Yeah, or like creamy, but definitely classic. She doesn't want to get married and because it means so much to Edward and because he has such different sensibilities and such different values, I think because she's going to go ahead and go through with it she's going to give him everything. I think it's going to be like a really beautiful and monumental wedding because he wants that. Usually it's the opposite. Usually the girl wants it. It's cute.
In an interview with Rob, he said in reference to Breaking Dawn that he wanted to make it rated R and stick to the book. Would you like to stick to the book and bring the rating up or do you think it should be toned down?
Stewart: I guess that everybody interprets those things differently. My guess is that it'll be PG-13. I have no idea but I guess we'll all see when it comes out.
Do you see an opportunity in Breaking Dawn, since it's two films, to create two interpretations of Bella, pre-vampire and post-vampire?
Stewart: Yeah, actually. I really can't wait to get into that because I've been on the outskirts of what it would feel like to play one of them. I had to think about it a lot considering that Bella is dating one of them very seriously. It's been years of dealing with these issues and I've thought about it a lot and I can't wait to actually be it. It's going to be a trip. It's going to be weird and I think she does change a lot. I think she's going to be the coolest vampire out of all of them. She's got the greatest power. She's untouchable. Nothing can touch her and I think that literally she can protect the whole clan. She's such a mother, too. I think it'll be awesome to see how much she's changed from Twilight where she's this seventeen year old kid who really doesn't care about whole lot other than herself. To see her become this matriarch will be really cool.
Peter Facinelli
What are you most looking forward to doing when you start shooting Breaking Dawn?
Facinelli: I'm looking forward to working with Bill Condon. He's phenomenal. I'm looking forward to hearing what his thoughts are on the series and the movie. It's cool because all these different directors have these different interpretations. You don't get complacent and sit back and go, "Ok. I know these characters." They're always asking you different questions and getting you to think deeper.source